Friday, August 2, 2019

THC Internet Marketing Announces Comprehensive Cannabis Business Listings

THC Internet Marketing is a boutique digital marketing specializing in providing traffic for cannabis dispensaries. The directory states that they have compiled the most comprehensive and updated list of places that dispensaries and cannabis businesses can submit their information in order for online shoppers to find them. THC internet Marketing recently released an optimization guide for Google My Business that is designed to help businesses to understand the need for an online presence. More on the company can be seen at

Davis Winn, a representative for the directory says that the next step, after Google My Business optimization is for companies to submit their information to citation sites. “Dispensary owners, just like any other business owner, need to get their information out there,” says Winn. “Without listing in directories, these businesses cannot expect customers to be able to find them and although the majority of them are offline stores meaning that they do not sell things online, having an online presence is still a vital part of business marketing.”

Winn says that any business, regardless of whether or not they operate online, should have an online presence in order for customers to find them. Statistics show that the majority of consumers today have smartphones and that they use the internet on these phones in order to find certain businesses.

“This just means that if a company is not found online, it probably won’t be found by customers at all,” Winn adds. “People use the internet to find everything these days. Having an online presence is a must for dispensaries to be able to find new customers and show them what they have to offer and how to find their brick and mortar location.”

Winn says that when a dispensaries decides to submit cannabis links to a directory, they are essentially making it easier for future customers to find them. He adds that if a customer cannot find a particular dispensary, but there is another one that has been listed online, they are likely to use the one that Google finds for them.

“And that means that the dispensary that did not list themselves in a directory is losing business,” Winn adds.

Winn says that dispensaries face difficulties when they attempt to market online, many of which deal with the legalities of cannabis, particularly in states where it is not yet legalized. So, a dispensary may not be able to have a website or use traditional means of marketing in order to establish their online presence. He says that this is where directory listings come in handy.

He says that dispensaries need to find and then claim their Google Map listings so that consumers can more easily find them. The company covered this and many other points for dispensaries to consider with their Google My Business Optimization guide that is designed to help businesses to better understand the need for Google Map locations and what those Google maps can do for them with regards to helping customers to find them.

Winn says that once a company has verified their Google Maps location, they should begin submitting their links to directories. Winn adds that any dispensary or cannabis related business that is unsure about how they should proceed with marketing their business can contact the company to learn more about the processes that they should consider.

Those who are interested in learning more about how to properly and effectively market a dispensary or other cannabis based business can visit the company on their own website or reach out to them directly for a consultation. Winn adds that THC Internet Marketing shares information on their various social media sites and he says that they regularly offer new information and guides related to marketing these types of businesses in an effort to help cannabis businesses to reach their desired customer base. More on this and other services that the company offers can be found on their official website.

SOURCE: Press Advantage [Link]

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